Thursday, 19 February 2015

Usability: Red/Green Elevator Up/Down Lights Do Not Make Sense

The traffic light is so common is our society that when red and green are paired it is usually so red means stop and green means go or start.  For example, the new SkyTrain cars use green for the stops that the train will stop at to let passengers get on and off before it continues and it uses red to denote the terminus stop where everyone should leave the train.

I noticed that elevators, another transportation device, also uses the red/green scheme but has confusedly redefined the meaning to a point that it might be better if they were both the same colour.  They denote up with a green arrow and down with a red one despite neither direction having to do with starting or stopping.  Depending on the purpose the building the elevator is in, at best one could think of it as going out and then later stopping your outing when you return.  However, in that case, the colours should be reversed.

A more logical and accessible colouring would be blue for up and green/grey for down. That way the passenger could at a quick glance see it they going toward the sky and or going toward the grassy/concrete ground.